Sunshine Management Corp currently ( Low Income Housing ) income based 3rd floor apartment open and currently available to the public in Emmitsburg, Maryland.  1 bedroom 1 bath apartment,  All fully carpeted, full kitchens, Coin operated Laundry in buildings, preventive pest control, street and parking lot. You must also qualify for the one bedroom. Please see requirements below Applicants must meet our background screening, in addition to Frederick County Housings background process and be within the HUD income guideline. Those who qualify must also be willing to comply with the Lease Agreement as well as the Housing Addendum. Maximum yearly income based upon amount of people residing. This building can not accept Vouchers as it is a Mod Rehab building. This means that the Property Owners have a contract with Frederick County Department of Housing and Community Development who provides Housing Assistance payments on behalf of those who reside in the building. If this is you or someone you know, please have them reach out. Requirements to apply. Rental application for those over 18 years of age. One month of pay stubs, copy of ID. ( Housing will require more of their own). NO co-signers allowed. Application fee is $50.00 per person. Must be paid before with application or will not be submitted or held. No pets/No smoking