JUST THE REAL ESTATE CAN BE SOLD AT $300,000.00 or REAL ESTATE and CLOTHING BUSINESS , and the clothing inventory worth $90,000.00 for $390,000.00 . The buyer needs to give at least 60 days to the seller to sell out all clothing inventory after the settleent If the buyer purchase for just real estate without the inventory. Very busy and crowd commercial area , present owner for 30 years , retiring , 2200 sqf single building & rear parking lot , 6 days open , right now open very short hours , central air condition , 3 years old roofing , No basement , lots of potential , The seller is selling Jean , hats , training clothes ,,,, You can add more items , The inventory is worth almost $90,000.00 at a whole sale price , The seller wants sell together with business including real estate , Many idea to open another business .. No 2nd floor , The clothes business has been here more than 20 years . It's well maintained, the interior is well organized and tidy, when you open the door and go in, there's a big store and a bathroom in the back. Then there's the back door. It's not necessarily a clothing store, but it's a very useful building that can be used as any retail business /store or a daycare or an office or a warehouse... And it's a very lively commercial area with a lot of people and traffic. PLEASE GO LOOK between 11am and 4pm at anytime me. When you visit , be sure to mention PK Property Broker Peter Han And don't ask the seller too many questions, and just call or text me directly after you've shown it.